Theatre production

Secret Theatre Lisbon

We host intimate, unconventional theatre events in secret locations across Lisbon and Portugal, fostering live connection and community.

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About Us

Secret Theatre Lisbon, began in 2023, inspired by the Secret Supper Club movement in London (and more recently in Portugal) and as a response to the call for more theatre (and social events) for English-speaking expats in Lisbon.

Secret Theatre Lisbon performance

We aim to produce small-scale, regular (monthly or bi-monthly) interactive theatre events in English in secret locations, in real houses, or in alternative spaces across Lisbon and Portugal. Our events which normally have between 25 - 50 participants, always include a social moment with a nice Portuguese wine and something delicious to eat (because good food and wine should always go together with good company and stories).

The theatre we select is surprising, it's unconventional, there's often some kind of interactive element. It's about getting people in the same space at the same time and getting a shot of inspiration and connection, that is unique to that event, that particular group, on that particular evening. As one audience member said; "It feels like being in a room full of friends without actually knowing anyone"


In 2024, audiences were raving about Secret Theatre Lisbon's first presentation, they were coming back a second time and bringing their friends and loved ones. Even Time Out got wind of things (which was not the plan for once)

"It feels like being in a room full of friends without actually knowing anyone"

— Sofia Martins

"It was breathtaking, honestly!"

— Astrid Larsen

"This was incredible! Strongly recommend".

— João Santos

"She's a most wonderful actor and I really loved working with her"

— Hugo Weaving, Australian Actor

"I had the incredible opportunity to attend a play starring Australian actress Jamie Mears, and it was nothing short of extraordinary. Despite having seen numerous plays worldwide, none have left me as captivated as this one. Picture this: being welcomed into a home, surrounded by strangers, and seamlessly becoming part of the performance. The power of the lived experience, being immersed in her world, sharing intimate space, and collectively shaping the narrative—it's a memory I'll treasure forever. Jamie Mears's talent knows no bounds."— Michael Chen, Theatre Enthusiast

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